Dear Students,

please note that the general deadline for the submission of the thesis/portfolio in the spring semester of the academic year 2023/24 is Saturday, the 20th of April, 4 P.M.

Exceptions from  this deadline are:
a)         Psychology Bachelor's Degree: the deadline is the 2nd of June,
b)         the 15th of May for the following courses:
-      applied part of the thesis in Psychology Master's Degree,
-      Business Coach postgraduate specialist training,
-      Mentor Teacher Training postgraduate specialist training,
-      Specialist in Talent Development Methodology postgraduate specialist training,
-      Teacher's Professional Examination.

In case of missing the deadline for submission of the thesis, exceptionally only in justified cases a new deadline may be requested from the Academic Committee. Documents such as a justificaion and the approval of the supervisor are needed for it.The same documents are needed in case the student submits a request for late submission of the thesis before the original deadline. 

The Academic Committee will consider each application on its own and there is no automatic extension. In case of a possible extension of the deadline, the Committee will not only consider the student's application, but also the conditions for organising the thesis defence and the final examination.

To avoid the possibility of not being able to submit the thesis due to technical reasons, students are kindly requested to pay special attention to the following:

  • Try not to upload your thesis on the last day and especially not in the last hour, as your own (e.g. home) network speed, limitations, hardware, etc. may affect the time needed to upload! You should therefore take the time to check at least five minutes after the upload that it has been successful. If you encounter technical difficulties, please report them immediately to and do not forget to attach schreehshots of your issue!
  • Psychology Master's students should make sure that they upload their applied and research thesis in the correct place.
  • The declaration of originality and the proof of thesis consultations have to be uploaded together with the thesis. They cannot be uploaded afterwards.
  • In case of a confidential thesis: if you have been granted permission to keep your thesis confidential because it contains trade secrets or (special) personal, health, etc. data, you are advised to tick the "Confidential" box when uploading it. If required you have to upload the consent of the holder of the confidential data too. If - in the specific field of study -, the uploading of the consent form is not required or explicitly forbidden, the thesis should - of course - be uploaded without it. For an easier administration, we kindly ask students to include their name in the thesis file name (e.g. Thesis_Name of student).
  • You can modify the uploaded thesis file by deleting the old one and uploading a new pdf or .zip document before the deadline. To delete a file, click on the + sign at the end of the file name line. No uploads are possible after the deadline.
  • Those students whom the Academic Committee granted an extension of the deadline for submission of the thesis, the Registrar’s Office will modify the submission date in Neptun on an individual basis.
  • The thesis must be submitted electronically via Neptun. You do not need to print it!

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office by clicking here.

Thank you,
ELTE PPK Academic Committee and the Student Union
