Doctoral Programme

Culture, Diversity, and Education doctoral programme

Cultural diversity in education is a necessarily inherent component of individual, social, community, and societal growth. The various types of diversity in education occur together with their own social implications assuming forms which convey inequity and unfairness on frequent occasions. However, due to its socialization and other pedagogical attributes, education, through preserving and fostering cultural features, and emphasising the principles of equity and performance merits, provides a pivotal opportunity for more integrated communities and societies to evolve, in which cultural diversity fulfils its identity-shaping role while also acting as a catalyst for social-societal cohesion.

The goal of the doctoral programme entitled Culture, Diversity, and Education – Kultúra, Sokféleség és Oktatásis, firstly, that doctoral students, relying on the special methodology of cultural researches, uncover educational, pedagogical, sociological, socio-psychological, anthropological, and other features which are intertwined with cultural diversity in both local and global educational scenes, including features relevant to the culture and educational environment of Hungarian, and other European and non-European communities alike. Secondly, the programme also intends to place good practice under regular scrutiny by implementing comparative research methods, and other scientific tools, thus facilitating future development options through raising a new generation of scientists.

In compliance with the notions indicated in the title, the programme accepts doctoral researches with a primary focus on cultural/intercultural features which are to be interpreted within frameworks relevant to cultural diversity and variety, and to be investigated in the context of education in all cases. Diversities which can (also) be characterised by inherent cultural dimensions making an important impact on and within education shall fall within the scope of research of the doctoral programme as detailed below:

A/ Diversity dimensions that are essentially cultural

• ethnic diversity
• linguistic diversity
• religious diversity
• diversity by nationality

B/ Diversity dimensions closely related to cultural features

• differences in the socio-economic status (SES) of students
• differences by municipality/region, living environments
• diversity in student aptitude and achievement
• differences in students’ physical and mental characteristics
• otherness in terms of gender identity and sexual orientation
• age differences.

In our understanding, features manifesting in these cultural diversities can be characterised as crossborder, national level, also diversities among and within social groups, and among individuals, and they play an essential role in the social empowerment and advocacy of individuals and groups. They influence student characteristics observable in formal spaces of education and beyond, while education has the capacity to make these diversities work towards social cohesion. The major research areas and themes of the doctoral programme aim at an in-depth scientific exploration and understanding of these characteristics with a view to practical implications as well.
The major research areas of the doctoral programme, and its themes:

• cultural scripts in education; their impact mechanisms at societal, group and individual levels
• group and individual level characteristics, advantages and disadvantages resulting from cultural diversity; forms and mechanisms of societal, institutional, social and individual efforts seeking to offset inequality
• cultural diversity in terms of family and school relations
• the effects of multiple otherness (intersectionality), and how it is addressed in education
• new theoretical trends and practices of multi- and intercultural education

Within the main research directions – in addition to other broad opportunities – the doctoral program attaches special importance to the following specific topics:
• educational aspects of cultural diversity arising from student/teacher mobility
• effects of cultural diversity and pedagogical treatments influencing it in early-childhood (preschool) education
• educational issues of Hungarian minority students living outside the borders of Hungary
• educational issues of the Roma/Gipsy community
• gender stereotypes in education 
• prejudices and their reduction in formal and informal education
• the education-related impact of those social traumas which are partly induced by cultural otherness, e.g.: points of intersection between the Holocaust and education, refugee students in education, etc.

Person in charge of the programme: Győri János, PhD

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