SSC - Scientific Students Circle
Independent research opportunity is offered to students of the faculty in the framework of the so-called Scientific Student Circle ("TDK", which stands for "Tudományos Diákkör" in Hungarian). The aim of the SSA is to offer possibilities for students to pursue independent research work during their undergraduate and graduate studies. The research is supervised by an experienced scientist, and the projects are presented as part of a friendly local competition that is traditionally held at the end of the autumn semester. Starting from 2018, foreign students can also submit their projects for the local event in English. Successful projects are forwarded to the national competition (National Conference of Scientific Student Circle or OTDK) that is held biannually (the next one will be held in the spring of 2021). In the OTDK, research projects are evaluated by boards of renowned Hungarian scientists and professors in several research fields separately. Traditionally, the Pro Scientia Gold Medal for the best scientific performances is awarded to 45 students in the conference as a recognition of excellence.
Student research is supervised by professors both from our department and from other departments and institutes. Research topics are offered by supervisors, however students can also propose topics of their own interest. Activity in the SSA may help students to kickstart their scientific careers by receiving personal mentoring, acquiring important skills and field specific knowledge, and joining a community of research savvy peers. Taking part in an SSA can prove to be a large boost for CVs, increasing the chances of receiving scholarships and landing PhD positions in Hungary. On the other hand SSA activities can help supervisors to assess the capabilities of their student collaborators who may become their PhD students in the future. The introduction and the possibility to give a presentation at the national conference brings mainly moral recognition, an opportunity which provides a constructive discussion and exchange of ideas. It is a good preparation for the future, for taking part in domestic and international conferences and by comparing their own work with those of others, students may obtain confirmation and new initiatives for their research work.
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