Final exam process

Final exam process

Intercultural Psychology and Education Info Pack for the State Examination

Your thesis is evaluated by two reviewers. One of these reviewers is your advisor, the other is an independent reviewer. The evaluations will point out aspects where the thesis excels and its limitations. They will also contain questions you must answer during the State Examination. Your advisor will ask a question closely connected to the thesis itself, while the independent reviewer will ask a more theoretical question, related to your intercultural studies. Answering this theoretical question is intended to demonstrate your knowledge on intercultural theories and practices. 

The Committee
At the State Examination, besides the President of the committee (Dr. Lan Anh Nguyen Luu), there are 3-4 permanent members of the IIPE and an independent member. Your advisor will also be present, and when possible, the independent reviewer of your thesis. 

Your task at the State Examination
Candidates (you) basically have four tasks at the State Examination:
1. A focused presentation of your thesis (8-10 min);
2. Reflection on the evaluations (if they contain critical notes requiring an answer) 
3. Answers to the questions asked by your advisor and the independent reviewer
4. On-the-spot answers to the questions of the committee, if there are any 

Timeframe and schedule
You have 15 minutes in total for tasks 1., 2. and 3. If you run out of time, you will be stopped by the committee, without fully delivering your thoughts. So structuring your use of time is essential. A reminder about time will be given during your presentation! You can deliver your answers by following points 1., 2. and 3. in a linear structure, but you can also include the answer to your advisor's question when presenting your thesis. The independent reviewer’s question must be answered in a separate section. We advise you to inform the committee before starting your presentation about its structure, and how you will answer the questions. Evaluations often criticise the lack of some theory or certain aspects of analysis in the findings from your thesis. In this case, you can add these originally missing points to your presentation. Additional points to your written thesis are therefore welcome in this case. 
Each candidate is reserved a 30 minute time slot in the schedule. Please make sure you arrive in time, and if possible, a little earlier than your planned starting time. 

It is highly recommended that you prepare a slide show for the presentation (ppt/prezi). Since you have 15 minutes, ideally you should create a maximum of 10-15 slides. Suggested titles (this should obviously be adjusted to your own research and thesis): 
- Topic
- Theoretical background
- Hypothesis/ research questions
- Research methods
- Results
- Discussion
Try to keep the slides spacious, with only relevant information and keywords. Reserve 2-4 slides for a short draft of the answers to the questions asked by your reviewers. Save the presentation in at least two different places (e.g.: a USB stick and online), and have it printed with you, to be super safe. 

After your presentation and answers to the on-the-spot questions, the committee will ask you to leave the room for a short time, and will evaluate on a one-to-five scale: A) your presentation of the thesis B) the answers to the questions of your advisor and the independent reviewer. After deciding the grades, the committee will call you back, inform you of the result, congratulate you on successful state examination, and shake hands with their newly-graduated colleague.