Takács Borbála received the Mónika Szabó Award in 2024

Takács Borbála received the Mónika Szabó Award in 2024

Borbála Takács, a doctoral student at the ELTE PPK Doctoral School of Psychology and alumna of ELTE PPK Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education, Social Integration Studies MA, received the Dr. Mónika Szabó Award on 25 March 2024. Congratulations on the award!
Bori's work is closely linked to the intellectual legacy of Dr. Mónika Szabó. After completing her MA degree, as a continuation of her experimental research, she and her colleagues founded the Kacsakő Association (https://kacsakoegyesulet.hu/). The association's main goal is to create a safe and inclusive environment for children coming from different social "bubbles" to meet and learn from and about each other. Bori's main research topic is related to this programme as well: she is investigating how sport and experiential education can contribute to prejudice reduction on the field.


About the award:

In 2021, the faculty, researchers and staff of the Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Pedagogy at ELTE PPK established the Dr Mónika Szabó Award in memory of Mónika Szabó, who passed away on 3 March 2020 after a serious illness, on the first anniversary of her death.The award is intended to honour an outstanding university student or an activist in the field of social inclusion and gender equality, in memory and remembrance of the eponymous person and her work.