Our new international project, EdutainSTEM
A new Erasmus KA2 research project led by Dr. Orsolya Endrődy is launched at the Institute.
The project is entitled: EdutainSTEM, Leverage teaching and learning of STEM for building resilience and achieving socio-emotional success
Project goals: The EdutainSTEM project aims to address the significant impact of the pandemic on traditional learning environments, prioritising students' well-being and SEL development, addressing learning losses in STEM domains, and fostering resilience and adaptability among both educators and students. Through an innovative AI-powered App it will integrate edutainment learning experiences revolutionising classroom dynamics, preparing students for future challenges and opportunities.
Researchers: Fanni Anna Bede, Pálma Farkas
Administration: Alexandra Koósz-Fodor
Start – end dates: december 1. 2024. – January 31. 2027.
Leader of the consortium: Stichting Onderwijs Midden Limburg (SOML), Netherlands
Members of the consortium:
- A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd., Cyprus
- CRES Centro di Ricerche e Studi Europei, Italy
- Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
- Escola Secundária Dr. José Afonso, Portugal
- Eurodimensions, Malta
- UMANESIMO CRISTIANO srl impresa sociale, Italy
Registration nr: 2024-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000244971